Suicide Party Part Deux

Well, Comrades, those wacky Democrats are at it again! Last week they attempted suicide by shutting down the government on behalf of illegal immigrants. Fortunately, they only shot themselves in the head, where nothing vital was located, and after a couple of days of watching the polls appeared to wake up to the reality that most Americans are actually pretty concerned about immigration and border security. Now, having thrown the Latino community and the noisiest liberals under the bus, they are preparing to throw themselves off a cliff with the Dreamers tied around their neck. This is a lose/lose maneuver.

Schumer appears to believe that he can put this all on Trump by making it all about The Wall, which the Dems had offered to over-fund before the shut down. But Trump has been pretty clear that he wants an end to the ‘chain migration’ by which both legal and illegal immigrants can pull their relatives in after them without passing through the same legal process as legal immigrants. Trump and his supporters want the current crop of Dreamers to be the last, and for illegals that follow to face expulsion regardless of age.

Democrats want to frame this as a race issue, but if we took race out of it, it would make a lot of sense. Putting race into it does nothing to eliminate that sense. The underlying issues are not about race but class- they are about using foreign workers to undermine wages and bust unions. The fact that imperialism creates a lot of poor people in the less white parts of the world is deeply enmeshed in the racism of white Europeans and their white settler offspring in the United States, but anyone who is willing to pay any attention at all can see that these same imperialist elements have applied the tools of ethnic prejudice and division in support of their oppression of peoples as white as Irishmen, Russians, Poles and Hungarians, among many others- and are still doing so. The motivation for the corporate globalists has nothing to do with sympathy for other races, ethnicities, religions or nationalities, whose members they slaughter and impoverish by the millions around the globe, but with preventing the American working class from being able to organize around its own interests. Race, as usual, is a diversion.

Trump is playing to the instinct of people with very little to protect what they have. Closing the borders is not, by itself, going to restore the fortunes of the American working class, but it is a prerequisite to doing so. While Trump himself has little or no interest in empowering the American working class, regardless of color, he has at present nowhere else to turn for a counterweight to the Deep State, its media flunkies, its petite bourgeois supporters and the developing Swiss Guard of foreign SR-71 workers whose direct dependency on his factional opponents makes them dangerous to any traditional notion of ‘national interest.’

A smarter, wiser man than Trump might have stepped into the White House with a sheaf of Executive Orders designed to bring troops home and create jobs for the urban poor, regardless of the legality of them. Let the Dems sue to stop him- and alienate every element of their base but the bankers. But of course, Trump isn’t really either a Man of the People or a dangerous demagogue, the two kinds of people that might make such a radical play. He’s just a billionaire with an urge to keep his hotels from being nuked, which is the inevitable outcome of continued commitment to the neocon agenda.

It remains to be seen if an all-out media war- well, it’s not really a war when one side has all the troops- can convince the majority of Americans that shutting down the government again just to get the DACA bill they want without giving anything up puts the Dems on the side of the angels. I suspect that they will convince themselves that they have done so, and find out in the mid-terms that they haven’t. But, they’re going to try, it seems, and that’s probably not so much because of poor Latino children or enraged social liberals, but because they really don’t want people to be talking about Comey and Mueller and the FBI and memos and emails.


Comrade Cero



1 thought on “Suicide Party Part Deux

  1. Thank you for this. About time someone pointed out in a public forum that so much of what gets tagged as being about race is really about the only color that matters to the people in power – green. And that’s true on both sides, no matter how much the Dems try to say it’s a Republican trait.


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